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My Random Thoughts
Saturday, 4 September 2004
I decided to continue from before...I had more to say and didn't write any of it.

I somehow managed to lose another 2.2 lbs this week. I don't know how because I ate pretty bad all week. That's cool tho, I'll take it!! I've lost over 37 lbs so far! I am really proud of myself. I still have a lot of weight to lose. I can't believe I let myself get this way! I guess it's like denial though, I never thought of myself and being as big as I am. And even with the 37lbs gone, i look at myself and I am thinking I should be smaller...but LOL no, because I was bigger than I always thought! If that makes any sense. It may not to a "skinny Minny" but to anyone who is overweight it should. I am so thankful that I found Weight Watchers and actually started going. I couldn't be doing anything better for myself than joining that. I am healthier, more active and on the way to a thinner me.

Todd's job search continues...hopefully he will get something soon. I'm tired of him being home all the time. Don't get me wrong, this time together has really helped our marriage, but I'm ready for him to get back to full time hours and work.

Well that's all I think I wanted to add.

As always...

Posted by dsdia at 7:21 PM EDT
Tupperware Consultant
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 2 Week Notice on Cable
Well, I've become a tupperware consultant. I'm pretty excited about it! I wanted a way to make some extra money, so I really hope that it pans out. If you're interested, my site is located in my links on the right. Tupperware's a WONDERFUL product!!! They've got alot of new things!

That's all for now!

As always...

Posted by dsdia at 6:59 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 August 2004
Back to my forums!!!
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: The Inlaws is on some Cable channel
I have decided to return to my signature making and the forums that I love so much. I've really missed everyone and chatting while I've been away!! And I can't wait until I'm back full time again!!

That's just a quick lil update here. It's a lazy Sunday evening and I'm vegging out doing some PC maintenance. I was having a HUGE problem and I finally got it fixed, so now I'm messing around collecting tubes for sigs and organizing my 1500+ fonts. It's a HUGE task that really needs to be done!

As always...

Posted by dsdia at 6:09 PM EDT
Sunday, 15 August 2004
Updates and Things
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Jurassic Park on Sci Fi!
Today is SUNDAY! I haven't written in forever, my apologies! I am a donkey, what can I say...

Here's a little update...I've been on leave from the siggie making, I really miss it alot but I've got to get some other things in order before I return to creating.

Todd's been searching high and low for a new job...with no bites at all yet. Maybe when the college kids go back to school some openings will be available. We've been short on cashola for a while now. It's so stressful, but we're managing and we've been spending alot of quality time together, which is important.

I joined Weight Watchers in May, and so far I've lost 34 lbs!! I'm really proud of myself and I feel sooo much better. My clothes are getting looser, I've got more energy and I may not even need my Blood Pressure medication soon!! I plan to stick with it, I really enjoy the meetings and the program. I'm rarely hungry!

Have you tried those Glade Wisps? I highly recommend them!! I've got on in my computer room and it smells great in here!

I've got to get going...dishes are calling me. I HATE doing them, so they've been piling high for a week or so now...so they really NEED to get done! Todd's been doing some needed things on the cars today...he's not very handy like that, so I know he feels good taking care of these things. We needed new wiper blades and lots of lights replaces. My car had like no brake lights, I hadn't even realized!!

Until next time....as always,

Posted by dsdia at 3:52 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 15 August 2004 4:52 PM EDT
Sunday, 7 March 2004
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Watchin Grease!
I recently left a forum that i've been writing at for a really long time, like 2 years at least. While I don't feel bad for leaving, I've got no regrets about that, it really was time for me to move on, I do kind of miss the forum. I miss reading about everyone's lives and kids and everything. I never thought i'd miss it. Oh well, I will not go back.

And something else that kind of bothers me is that out of 30 women in there, only about 5 showed any concern about me leaving. So what about the other 25? Like, no one cared about me being there or not. That makes me mad in a way. I mean I don't expect everyone to beg me to come back or anything, but shoot, an email would have been nice, especially from some of them who I considered myself to be closer to. I guess not, huh?

Oh well, live and learn I guess. Plus I've opened my own forum, so hopefully I will have a chance to get to know and meet more people. A fresh start.

I'm going to be making a few changes to alot of different areas of my life coming up. My home, health, marriage. All of these areas need some work, so i'll be doing what I have to do to make some positive changes.

Hopefully i'll have more things to write about ;)

Later gator!

Posted by dsdia at 5:30 PM EST
Friday, 6 February 2004
Direct Linking.
Mood:  don't ask
Can someone please tell me why it is people direct link graphics from one person's site to theirs? I mean, in the beginning when I first started making pages, I was guilty. However, there's quite a bit of info out there on it now. Why don't people know that this is a no-no by now? I am tired of looking for the guilty people and about ready to take down all my dam blinkies. Just pisses me off, I spend MY time to make these for others and people steal my bandwidth. WTF!

Okies, I'm done!


Posted by dsdia at 9:53 PM EST
Friday, 9 January 2004
Opened Eyes
Mood:  irritated
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday - TRUST NO ONE!

A close friend, well someone who I considered to be a close friend, has been stabbing me in the back. I'm not sure for how long, and I can't let this person know that I know. Tough situation. I think I'll eventually stop talking to them.

In my eyes this person betrayed me. In their eyes, they were probably covering their own behind...well, ya don't do that with/to friends! Not in my opinion anyways. I would NEVER do what this person did to me if the roles were reversed. Never, not in a million years. Not if you are my friend.

And that's all I can really say. My feelings are hurt. And I can't even do anything about it.

As always, Heidi

Posted by dsdia at 1:17 PM EST
Monday, 24 November 2003
The Diet...
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Charmed
Ok, so I started Atkins today...and I did pretty well!!

Here's what I've eaten:
1 Hard Boiled Egg
2 Sausages

Cubed Cheese

Salad with Bacon, Cheese, Eggs, and Almond Slices
Ranch Dressing

Cheese Cubes
2 small celery sticks

1 1/2 Chicken Breast baked with Mrs Dash and Butter
1/2 cup cottage cheese & SF Lime Jello Cup

Water to drink all day!

I did AWESOME!!!! I just wanted to post something good...

OH! and while I'm posting. I AM PISSED AT TRIPOD!!! I cannot upload to my DAM sites!! Very annoying!!

Huggs for now!

Posted by dsdia at 6:57 PM EST
Monday, 17 November 2003
Need to be in bed
Now Playing: Christmas Musgic :)
OK, why don't they have more moods? weird...

Anyways, yeah...so I haven't written in a while...BIG SURPRISE!! can I finish anything I start? LOL nope, guess not. 100.3 started their Christmas all the time till Christmas, so I will be enjoying alot of Christmas music! I love it.

Dunno how we're going to do Christmas this year...gonna have that argument soon with Todd. Everything is an argument anymore...ahhh, such is my life!!

I have nothing to say really, I just wanted an entry...and this is enough BS I guess LOL

I'll write a whole entry soon, I promise!


Posted by dsdia at 1:14 AM EST
Sunday, 9 November 2003

Posted by dsdia at 6:38 PM EST

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